The Most Credible and Consistent Data about the Nation's Hospitals
Spot opportunities, gain insights based on an unparalleled view of more than 1,300 hospital data points.
NEW Data Available
麻花天美星空Data represents information that is directly provided by over 6,200 hospitals and 400 health care systems. Our data covers an array of data points, including demographics, operations, service line, staffing, CEO/President, expenses, physician organization structures, beds, utilization, population health, and more.
Tapping into the most credible, consistent and accurate information about the nation鈥檚 hospitals has never been easier. Ask sophisticated questions, easily build reports and gain insights from American Hospital Association data and an expanded offering of publically available datasets with just a few keystrokes.
This annual survey conducted in collaboration with the Department of Health and Human Services, Office of the National Coordinator (ONC) gathers data that informs policymakers, providers, researches and vendors on health IT adoption, tools and trends.
Are you seeing the whole picture? Uncover how often your organization's payment claims are denied, determine if those denial rates vary by payer or service line, and compare your organization's metrics to other providers and peer groups.
Over 1,600 citations on Pubmed dating back to 1971
Over 19,400 citations in Google Scholar since 1950
Over 350 citations in EBSCO dating back to 1991
鈥溌榛ㄌ烀佬强誅ata is the only data source solely focused on hospital and health system characteristics. This comprehensive dataset is updated annually ensuring its relevance and accuracy. As a researcher, having access to this data, which is both credible and comprehensive, makes it easy to ask questions and leverage. I would encourage anyone delving into the intricacies of system or hospital characteristics to utilize 麻花天美星空Data.鈥
- Snigdha Jain, MD, MHS
Yale School of Medicine